Je kan hier over de hoofden lopen, letterlijk! Dan moet iedereen over de kam geschóren worden. Dan schiet Putin zich in zijn eigen voet. Letterlijk. Literally, this turned our world upside down. here’s more from Steven Pinker about A.W.F.U.L. people (Americans Who Figuratively Use Literally)
Category archives: Uncategorized
Language Journey Day 25 & 26
Yesterday I listened to my introductory phrases in over 10 languages again, on the new app I’m making. To practice my languages, I watch and read the news from various countries today. Spanish news Comencé el día viendo rtve con una entrevista del filósofo Darío Sztajnszrajber. Me pregunté de donde viene su appelido, que del […]
Language Journey Days 23 & 24 – Little dear Lord animal
Only Dutch speakers can understand this blog title, when translating each of the four components back to Dutch individually. I’ll help out the other 99.69% of world citizens who don’t speak Dutch as a native (24 million speakers) or second (5 mln) language. The word little dear lord animal literally translates to Dutch lieveheersbeestje. And […]
Language Journey Day 22
Why was I blogging again? Ah, yeah, right: language learning! I sometimes forget to post on here. I started to use my google sheet again and pieces of paper that are floating around the house, until I realized why I started these blog posts: to help me learn languages and keep track of them, while […]
Language Journey Days 17-21
The past few days I continued my daily ‘efforts’ listening to the news in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Swedish, while practicing a few sentences in those languages with people I met during the Polyglot Gathering 2020. Further on, I mostly worked on a new language learning app, that I will share more about in […]
Language Journey Day 16
Last night I watched this Danish documentary on youtube with both Danish and English subtitles. This morning I watched the news in English and Dutch only, cause I didn’t want to bore my boyfriend with Spanish again. I went to the language school, where I taught Dutch during a private session. We set some learning […]
Language Journey Day 8-14
The past week I focused on making a trial video as well as joining the Polyglot Gathering 2020. I made and just uploaded this trial video to try out a few new languages and a green screen with self-made background using the multiscreen news channels page. It just has a low quality, 720 p and […]
Language Journey Day 7
Today I continued my work on my multilingual news broadcast. Yesterday I started making a format, some technical training and preparation and the first content based on news broadcasts from English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish and Dutch speaking news channels that I follow regularly. Today I continued that content building, to actually force […]
Language Journey Day 6
Same phrase in multiple languages This morning I got this fun idea: why not ask the world to translate one or two sentences into their language? Perhaps some words will show unrecognizable differences whereas others, when taking a closer look will show remarkable resemblances! On the one sentence multiple translation page you’ll find what Nelson […]
My Language Journey Day 5
Learning Russian on Coursera I just started one of the Russian language courses that universities offer through Coursera. The moment I checked, there were 47 beginner courses. I decided to start one from St. Petersburg University to get an idea. I wanted to do a few modules to try it out at least and compare […]