Literally is used way too often by everybody. Literally!

Je kan hier over de hoofden lopen, letterlijk! Dan moet iedereen over de kam geschóren worden. Dan schiet Putin zich in zijn eigen voet. Letterlijk. Literally, this turned our world upside down. here’s more from Steven Pinker about A.W.F.U.L. people (Americans Who Figuratively Use Literally)

Language Journey Days 23 & 24 – Little dear Lord animal

Only Dutch speakers can understand this blog title, when translating each of the four components back to Dutch individually. I’ll help out the other 99.69% of world citizens who don’t speak Dutch as a native (24 million speakers) or second (5 mln) language. The word little dear lord animal literally translates to Dutch lieveheersbeestje. And […]

Language Journey Day 7

Today I continued my work on my multilingual news broadcast. Yesterday I started making a format, some technical training and preparation and the first content based on news broadcasts from English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish and Dutch speaking news channels that I follow regularly. Today I continued that content building, to actually force […]